素食菁英 奥地利制片史蒂芬·沃夫:透过永续生态村实现人间天堂(德语)   
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Lin (m): I’m Lin Tsong-ming, the Political Deputy Minister of Education of Formosa (Taiwan). I’m here to call on everyone to work together. Global warming is getting more and more serious,and things that happen in one country can affect the existence of other countries.So I hope that we all work together –  being veg, going green to save the planet. I hope everyone will join in.

Greetings beneficient viewers, and welcome to Vegetarian Elite. Today, we introduce the noble vegan statesman, Mr. Lin Tsong-ming, the Political Deputy Minister of Education in Formosa.

Mr. Lin Tsong-ming has rich experience in the industrial, political, and academic fields. He served as the President of National Yunlin University of Science and Technology from 2001 – 2009.

During his eight years of term, he promoted a number of reforms that led the University to become a model technological and vocational learning institution. He has also put great efforts towards information technology in rural education, seeking to minimize the digital divide between cities and rural areas.

Towards the end of 2009, he became the Political Deputy Minister of Education. He continually strives for the best education system for all students. Persevering through bouts of poverty and illness when he was younger, Mr. Lin knows very well the importance of health.

He practices meditation and Qi Gong to nurture his body, mind, and spirit. Positive thinking and acting with kindness are two tenets he always emphasizes. Living as a model for what he teaches, Mr. Lin shared with Supreme Master Television how he became a vegetarian.

素食菁英 奥地利制片史蒂芬·沃夫:透过永续生态村实现人间天堂(德语)
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