我们高贵的传承 纪录片《全新的我们》:欧洲生态村与生态小区(4集之1)   
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第3集 Play with windows media ( 45 MB )

Owing to its immigration legacy, ethnically and culturally, the United States of America is one of the world’s most diverse and tolerant nations. The start of many trends and forward thinking initiatives has also been attributed to the open minded nation. in the last 100 years, US society has also consciously and compassionately progressed in animal welfare and the preference for the healthier, plant-based diet.

It is interesting to note that prior to the industrial era that escalated during the 20th century, meat eating in the United States was not at all common before the 1900s. Indeed, most people living in the US before this age ate very little animal flesh and subsisted on a primarily plant-based diet.

Today, we cordially invite you to join us on an inspiring and informative exploration into the lesser known but venerable history of this great united nation.

Mr. Adam Shprintzen Shprintzen (m):There actually was a distinct vegetarian movement in the United States that was fairly popular and fairly well recognized from the 1830s onwards.

Mr. Adam Shprintzen, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History at Loyola University of Chicago, USA, will be our guide today in the first of a 3-part program on Our Noble Lineage.
A vegetarian himself, Mr. Shprintzen became interested in history of vegetarianism in America while attending university. He quickly realized it is an often neglected cornerstone of 19th century America, and delved deeper into its research as part of his higher studies.

For more information about Mr. Adam Shprintzen and his “Archemedian Lever of Vegetarian History, Recipes, and Ephemera,” please visit: VegetarianHistory.com

我们高贵的传承 纪录片《全新的我们》:欧洲生态村与生态小区(4集之1)
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我們高貴的傳承 訪問基督復臨安息日會:單純的生活與神聖的生活準則(二集之一)
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我們高貴的傳承 追溯古希臘的素食根源(希臘語)
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我們高貴的傳承 滿溢上帝的愛:基督教素食者聯盟(二集之一)
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我們高貴的傳承 馬赫西大學和附設學校:發覺內在意識的學習方式(三集之一)
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