派屈克.雷諾:《與孩子談遠離菸品》(三集之一)    第3集

Greetings beloved friends, welcome to Healthy Living. How do we safeguard the young from the harms of smoking?

Today we share with you a talk given by Mr. Patrick Reynolds, a caring man from the United States who established the Foundation for a Smokefree America and is a recent recipient of the Shining World Hero Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai.

In April 2009, Mr. Reynolds was invited to Greece by Health Minister Avramopoulos to help build public awareness of Greece's new no-smoking law, which took effect July 1, 2009, and to call attention to the serious health hazards posed by second-hand smoke. There was much news coverage as Mr. Reynolds was profiled by many national Greek media outlets.

These days Mr. Reynolds’ Foundation is contacting health ministers in China, Russia, India, the Middle East, South Korea,and other nations with high smoking rates.

He hopes to meet publicly with each country’s health minister and the children of each nation to call public attention to the problem of tobacco use.

The Greek Health Ministry sent a strong letter of support detailing their experience with him, saying, 『Mr. Reynolds gave a well-informed, polished and persuasive speech, and assisted us in promoting the Greek state’s agenda on tobacco through the very positive national media coverage of his visit.

Moreover, his talk to youth at one of our local schools was a tremendous success.』Patrick Reynolds is a frequent speaker at US middle schools and high schools, presenting his unique motivational talk, 『The Truth About Tobacco』 with passion and authenticity. He is also a popular guest lecturer on university campuses, giving his talk 『Tobacco Wars.』 Over the years, Patrick has now presented his live talk to over 150,000 students.

In 2006, Mr. Reynolds released a DVD of a live talk for youth, 『A Talk With Your Kids About Smoking.』 We are pleased to present to you excerpts of that talk he gave to 1,000 ninth graders, over a 3-part program.

A Talk With Your Kids Aout Smoking is available at

To support Patrick Reynolds' global tour, Please visit with enough support, he will be able to speak in your nation.

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