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Pansori – Koreanisches Traditionelles Lied (Koreanisch)   

Pansori is a Korean musical drama which delivers the myths that have been orally passed
on from olden times to the audience, by a drummer and a singer through songs, story-telling, and gestures. The hundreds of years of joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness experienced by the Korean people are engraved in pansori; it has thus been carrying the most widely known Korean stories and
the vibration from the deepest part of the heart.

You Young-Dae (m):
Pansori is a story led entirely by two persons: a performer and a drummer. It’s a musical story. It’s led by songs, which may run for three hours if short and seven or eight hours if long. That is quite a long time. It’s a musical play performed alone with songs, facial expressions, and theater.
It has ancient stories, sharp satire, and sometimes very sad stories, thus is the best art form that can really contain humans’, and especially Korean people’s, feelings.

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