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Janu – Belgiens Prinzessin der Harfe (Niederländisch)   

(Interview in Dutch) Janu (f):
The harp is one of world´s oldest instruments. Already in ancient Egypt they played
the instruments, although they were very small. And the harp has always been present
in every culture.
Janu (f):
It is an instrument that touches your soul somehow, it has a very special vibration.

In Ghent, Belgium,Ms. Janu is a gifted harp player and composer,who is called 『Princess of the Harp.』 Her wide repertoire during international concerts and in her albums ranges from folk music,film scores and light entertainment to classical and own compositions. Janu ensures that every number has its own 『color.』 She is the only harpist in Belgium performing on six different types of harps.

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