Erleuchtende Unterhaltung
Die blühende Kunst des Volkstanzes in Finnland (Finnisch)   

Apart from rhythmic movements and pulsing music,it is said that the core of Finnish dance is the message: 『I am happy just to be with you.』 Welcome artistic viewers to today’s Enlightening Entertainment,where we will explore the charming Finnish dance featuring the Katrilli Folk Dance Group and the Tsuumi Dance Company.

Founded in 1975, the Katrilli Folk Dance Group is known as a pioneer of modern folk dance. It is also one of the most respected folk dance ensembles in Finland. Performing both traditional works and new choreographies,Katrilli’s dances arise from the participants’ enthusiasm as well as skill and artistry. Their diversified costumes and live music played by folk musicians are also acclaimed features of Katrilli.

Mr. Eero Hietanen, an instructor of the Katrilli Folk Dance Group,and Mr. Panu Helke,musician and artistic director, explain to us what Finnish folk dance is and how it has been evolved through the creative work of the company.

(Interview in English) Eero Hietanen (m):
Finnish folk dance is a very large diversity of different kinds of dances and Finland is a mixture from east and from western cultures. First pair dances came to Finland in the 17th century and they came from Eastern Europe,Polska (Poland), and from France, this minuet,and they came through Sweden to Finland. And then contra dances came both from east and west and there are a very large scale of different kinds of
contra dances,like Katrillis in Finland. Later came new dances like polka and waltz.

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