More hazardous chemicals found in smokeless tobacco - 3 Sep 2009  
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The notion that products such as chewing tobacco, or snuff, are less dangerous than inhaling cigarette smoke has been disproven by a new study.

Led by Dr. Irina Stepanov of the Masonic Cancer Center in the University of Minnesota, USA, this research found that one portion of chewing tobacco exposes the user to the same amount of certain hazardous chemicals as smoking five cigarettes.

Dr. Stepanov said, "A total of 28 carcinogens were identified in smokeless tobacco even before our study.
Now we have found even more carcinogens in snuff.” Dr. Stepanov went on to say that this study clearly shows us that smokeless tobacco is also dangerous to human health.

Thank you Dr. Stepanov and team for your findings on the dangers of smokeless tobacco. Through greater knowledge and awareness, may people everywhere adopt healthy addiction-free lifestyles for the benefit of both themselves and their loved ones.

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