NATO and Russia anticipate closer relations - 05 Nov 2010  
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NATO and Russia anticipate closer relations. On Wednesday, November 3, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen visited Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow for discussions intended to smooth relations and further cooperation. The visit also precedes an upcoming NATO Summit in Lisbon, Portugal, to which Secretary-General Fogh Rasmussen stated that Russia is invited as a partner, saying that the meeting would offer the opportunity for a fresh start. Following their meeting on Wednesday, President Medvedev affirmed his optimism about future collaboration with NATO, saying, “This allows us to expand cooperation more attentively and to build a more solid security system in Europe and in the world.”

Our heartfelt congratulations, Your Excellencies, Russia and North Atlantic Treaty Organization, for your cordial meeting and cooperative intentions. May such blossoming relations bring peace and security for the people of Russia and throughout the world.
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