Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Indonesisches veganes Curry-Lamm für ein gütigeres Eid al-Adha      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
1 kilogram package vegan lamb
1 liter coconut milk
Fried onion
Cooking oil
1 glass water

2 pieces ginger, crushed
2 pieces galangal, crushed
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
3 bay leaves
3 lime leaves
Palm sugar to taste
Salt to taste

Spices to blend:
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
1 teaspoon peppercorns
¼ nutmeg
5 cloves
2 sticks cinnamon
1 teaspoon cumin
2 cardamom seeds
2 pieces turmeric
2 pieces kencur
6 candlenuts
6 shallots
4 cloves garlic

1. Put all the spices to be blended in a blender, then blend it together.
Add some water, just a little bit to make the blending process run smoothly.
2. Add some cooking oil in the pan, not too much, turn on the heat, and let it heat up for a while.
3. Once the oil becomes hot, put the blended spices and all the spices in the pan. Stir well and let it cook until they become fragrant and dry.
4. Then, put in the vegan lamb.
5. Put in some water, stir to let the spices marinate.
6. Add salt and palm sugar to taste.
7. Put on the cover lid, to let vegan lamb absorb the spices.
8. Let it boil and stir it slowly once a while.
9. Once it is boiled, put in slowly the coconut milk, then stir slowly.
10. Wait a while until it is boiled again, then turn off the heat.
11. Put the cooked vegan lamb and its broth in a bowl, then sprinkle the fried onion on top.
12. Ready to be served.
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File NO: 1167
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