Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Raw Vegan Pineapple Cobbler by Chef Miranda Martinez      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
¾ cup pecans
¾ cup Medjool dates
Pinch of sea salt
1 whole vanilla bean or 1 tablespoon vanilla powder
or 1 tablespoon organic vanilla extract
1½ pineapples (6 cups chopped)
¾ cup coconut butter or coconut oil
¾ cup Medjool dates
2 tablespoons vanilla agave nectar
½ vanilla bean or ½ tablespoon vanilla powder
or ½ tablespoon organic vanilla extract
¼ - ½ cup purified water

  1. To prepare the Crust, pour the pecan into the food processor, the dates, a pinch of salt, and the vanilla powder. Turn on the processor and process it until it is a little bit like crumbs.
  2. Pour the crust into a dish, at the bottom, and save the rest for later.
  3. For second part, pout the dates, a pinch of salt, the agave nectar, a little bit of water, the vanilla powder, the coconut butter, and a cup of pineapple into the food processor. Turn it on and process it until it is a creamy texture.
  4. Pour it in a bowl and mix it in with the pineapple.
  5. Pour the pineapple mixture over the crust and put some more crust at the top.
  6. Mix it in really good and pour it in the dish.
  7. Put some more crust on the top of the cobbler.
  8. Put the cobbler in the fridge for a little while.
  9. After a while, take out the cobbler and decorate it with fresh strawberries and fresh mint.
  10. Ready to be served.

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File NO: 1588
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