Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Kolumbianischer roher veganer Obstkuchen mit Kokosmilch (Spanisch)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
2 chopped sweet mangoes
3 – 4 chopped bananas
1 chopped coconut
1 chopped big mango
1 sliced apple
¼ chopped papaya
7 teaspoons flaxseed
7 teaspoons carob
1 cup wheatgerm
Raisins to taste
1 liter water
Plastic wrap and a mould for the cake

  1. First, prepare a cream in the blender by adding the flaxseed and 4 teaspoon of water. Do not put too much water because the cream need to be thick. Blend a little.
  2. Add the banana and mango. Blend a little.
  3. Add the carob and the wheatgerm. Stir it and then blend it a little bit.
  4. The cream is done and it need to be thick.
  5. Place the cream in a plastic wrap.
  6. Take the mould and start placing a layer of cream and a layer of fruits.
  7. First the cream, and then place the mango, and then the cream again, and then the banana, and the cream again, and then the papaya, and cream again.
  8. Leave the cake in the mould for a while before unmoulding it.
  9. To unmould the cake, use a bottom, put it on the bottom, and turn it over. Let the cake fall freely.
  10. Decorate the cake as you wish, for this example use shredded coconut and raisins.
  11. Prepare the coconut milk by blending some chopped coconut with water, a liter of water per coconut.
  12. Strain the coconut milk, and it is ready.

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