VIDA SANA Jeffrey Smith y los efectos dañinos de los alimentos genéticamente modificados - P1 de2    Parte 2
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HOST: Caring viewers, welcome to Healthy Living on Supreme Master Television. On today’s show, the first in a two part series, we’ll examine the damaging health effects of eating genetically modified or GM foods.
Genetically modified organisms or GMOs are living systems that have genes from other organisms inserted into their genomes through genetic engineering.

For insights on this subject, we’ll hear from Jeffrey M. Smith of the US, an expert on genetically modified foods and author of the international best sellers 『Seeds of Deception』 and 『Genetic Roulette.』 Mr. Smith is founder of the US-based Institute for Responsible Technology, which informs policy makers and the public about the hazards of genetically modified foods and crops. 

Widely regarded as the most prominent expert in the field, he has advised many world leaders and spoken to representatives from over 80 countries on GM-related issues.

For more information on Jeffrey Smith, please visit
The Non-GMO Shopping Guide is available at
『Seeds of Deception』  and 『Genetic Roulette』 are available at

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