Sitios de patrimonio budista de Katmandú, Nepal (nepalés)   

Welcome, noble viewers.
Around 623 BC,the enlightened Master Gautama Buddha was born in the garden of Lumbini in western Nepal. On this special time of year celebrating Buddha’s birth,we would like to invite you to revisit the living spiritual and cultural legacy of the Buddha:

World Heritage Sites in Kathmandu,capital of Nepal. Kathmandu is nestled in a valley that ties together 130 monuments and several pilgrim sites of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Legend has it that the Kathmandu Valley was originally a lake but Divinely transformed into a haven.

(Interview in English)
Manik Ratna Shakya - Lecturer of Tribhuvan University, Nepal (m):
It is said that the place,Kathmandu Valley,was a lake. In the lake,a lotus flower blossomed
and in the middle,the light is seen in the buds. And it is said that Manju Sri came to Nepal
and he made this place habitable.

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