Peru calculates heavy toll of tobacco. - 4 Mar 2010  
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According to the findings of Dr. Luis Pinillos, former Peruvian Minister of Health and founding President of the National Standing Committee on Tobacco Control, tobacco costs Peruvians some US$2.4 billion annually.
Dr. Pinillos stated that while this figure included medical care for smokers with cancer and heart problems, it did not take into account other diseases linked to smoking.

The doctor was speaking at a conference attended by other former health ministers who were voicing support for the passage of anti-tobacco legislation.

The proposed bill would require at least one completely tobacco-free space in every public facility as well as graphic displays on cigarette packages showing tobacco’s dangers and associated diseases.

Our sincere gratitude, Dr. Pinillos and colleagues for your caring efforts to safeguard the health of fellow Peruvians. We look forward to all governments passing such protective measures that bring the joy of intoxicant-free living to families across the globe.$-2-400-millones-al-ano-por-males-relacionados-al-cigarro-

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