US study shows children from smoking households miss more school - 10 Sep 2011  
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A new study published on September 2, 2011 in the journal Pediatrics reports that children exposed to tobacco smoke in their homes are absent from school more often than their counterparts living in smoke-free environments.

The study, led by Dr. Douglas Levy of the Mongan Institute for Health Policy in Massachusetts, USA also found that smoking exposure had a direct impact on illnesses causing the absences.

Children living with two parents who smoked were afflicted at least 34% of their absent time with such conditions as ear infections and chest colds.

Our thanks, Dr. Levy and team for this eye-opening study confirming the harms of secondhand smoke , especially for the vulnerable such aschildren.

May we all eliminate such life-threatening consequences to ourselves and innocent youths by choosing to live smoke-free.

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