Latin American, Caribbean countries meet for improved lives. - 26 Mar 2011  
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A summit was launched on Thursday, March 24, as the Latin American and the Caribbean Summit on Integration and Development (CALC) brought together representatives from 32 countries in Caracas, Venezuela with a goal of boosting their collective sustainable development by enhancing unity and social inclusion.

Topics on the agenda of the two-day meeting included security, food sovereignty, education and health access for all. It was noted as well that a number of member countries have been able to show improvements in standards of living, with host nation Venezuela currently among those registering the most success in reducing both poverty and hunger.

Our heartfelt congratulations, all participating Latin American and Caribbean countries. May your successful collaboration continue to advance the health, education opportunities and quality of life for your citizens.,
america-and-caribbean-summit-advocates-regional-unity-&catid=3:internationals&Itemid=120 also

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