Cuisines du temple coréen : soupe de taro et périlla verte et pancakes aux fleurs de champignons shiitake (coréen)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Green Perilla Taro Soup
1 radish
Shiitake mushrooms
Green perilla powder
Rice flour
Kelp soup stock
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1–2 spoons of green perilla oil
1 teaspoon salt

Shiitake Mushroom
Flower Pancakes
Shiitake mushrooms
Green perilla leaves
Red paprika
Green bell pepper
Minced soy protein
Wheat flour
1 teaspoon salt

Green Perilla Taro Soup
  1. Prepare the taro by taking out the outer blue parts with gloves on. This blue parts has toxic. Then, wash it well in salt water until it is clean.
  2. Cut the taro into small pieces.
  3. Cut the radish diagonally.
  4. Pre-heat 2 spoonfuls of green perilla oil.
  5. Add in the radish, the shiitake mushrooms, and the taro.
  6. Fry them for a bit in oil before boiling.
  7. Pour in the kelp soup stock.
  8. Just add enough soup stock to cover the taro.
  9. Put the lid on and let it boil for a while.
  10. Check whether the taro is cooked well by mashing the taro with a spoon.
  11. If it is cooked well, then add in the green perilla powder.
  12. Add the rice flour.
  13. Cook for 5-10 minutes.
  14. Add 1 teaspoon of salt, and a tablespoon of soy sauce.
  15. The taro soup is ready.
Shiitake Mushroom Flower
  1. Slice the green perilla leaves, the red paprika, the green bell pepper, and the carrots.
  2. Slice the apple and the vegan soy protein.
  3. Cut with the shiitake mushrooms with scissors so they will make a shape of a chrysanthemum flower.
  4. Mince all the other ingredients to be put inside the shiitake mushrooms.
  5. Mix everything with flour and a little bit of salt.
  6. Add in a little bit of water. Make sure the dough is thick enough.
  7. The filling is ready to be filled into the shiitake mushrooms.
  8. Put some dry wheat flour on the other side of the shiitake mushrooms and then put the filling inside.
  9. Put oil the the pre-heated pan. Use generous amount of cooking oil.
  10. Fry the shiitake mushrooms for about 5 minutes over a medium heat.
  11. Put the mushrooms in a plate and garnish.
  12. Ready to be served.

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