Baklava, Sweet Divine Pecan Pastry(In English)      


  • 2 pounds chopped pecan nuts
  • 1 cup vegan butter, melted
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 2 packages fillo dough


Make the filling:
Pour the pecans, brown sugar, and ground cinnamon into a bowl. Then mix them very well to avoid the clumps of brown sugar.

Prepare baking pan:
Use the pastry brush to paint the vegan butter onto the baking pan (9 ½ x 13 inches to fix the fillo dough size) to keep the dough from sticking to the pan.

Make a bottom layer (8 sheets of fillo dough):
  • Line up 2 sheets of fillo dough into the baking pan.
  • Brush the fillo dough with vegan butter (brush the edges first, then the inside.) Repeat until having 8 sheets of fillo dough at bottom layer.

  • Then make the filling layer.
Make a filling layer:
  • Add 1 cup of the filling on the fillo dough layer, spread it out evenly by hand.
  • Add another 2 sheets of fillo dough, brush with vegan butter then put in 1 cup of filing. Continue this process all the way to the top of the baking pan.
Make a top layer (at least 4 sheets of fillo dough to prevent from over burning on the top):
Cover the filling with 4 sheets of fillo dough. Make sure brushing the vegan butter every 2 sheets of fillo dough.

  • Cut the baklava cake into the small pieces before baking. Each piece can be any shape, usually squares and diamonds are the easiest. Usually 1 inch quare piece is easier to eat.
  • Put it into the oven. Bake at 350°C for 40 minutes or until it turns goldern brown.
Re-cut the cake before serving.
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