Réaliser des délices de ‘la nuit des Oscars’ : Rouleaux colorés plein de vie (en anglais)      
Colorful Life Rollups
Veggie Confetti Filling:
1 cup chopped black olives
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup red bell peppers (or any colors)
1 cup green bell peppers (or any colors)

Vegan Ranch Dressing:
(2) 8 ounce packages vegan cream cheese
2 teaspoons parsley
½ teaspoon paprika
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
½ teaspoon Italian seasoning
¼ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
½ teaspoon vegetarian flavor enhancer (natural mushroom seasoning)
Wrapped in:
(6) 10 inch flour tortillas

  1. Chop the green bell pepper, the yellow bell pepper, and the red bell pepper.
  2. Cut the celery into long stripes and then chop them into smaller chunks.
  3. Melt the vegan cream cheese in the pot using gentle heat for about 2-3 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat, and start adding the other ingredients one by one.
  5. First, add in the parsley, then the paprika, the Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, and vegetarian flavor enhancer. Mix well.
  6. Place a clear wrap on top of the cutting board.
  7. Put the tortilla wrap on the cutting board.
  8. Put a spoonful of vegan cream cheese on the tortila wrap and spread it evenly.
  9. Sprinkle the chopped bell pepper on it.
  10. Sprinkle the celery, and some black olives.
  11. Roll it up.
  12. Wrap it with the clear wrap to keep it fresh and cut it and serve right before the time of consuming.
  13. For serving, cut the end of the tortillas so it will look pretty.
  14. Cut them into 1-2 inches wide.
  15. Put them into paper cups.
  16. Garnish it as preference.

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