Art of the Vegan Raw Food Party with Mimi Kirk      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)

Raw Pasta alla Checca
3 large zucchinis
4–5 tomatoes, seeded and diced, or heirloom
cherry tomatoes
1 clove garlic, minced
½ cup raw olives, coarsely chopped
⅛ cup capers
20 fresh basil leaves, ribbon-sliced or torn
½ cup extra-virgin olive oil

Cashew nut parmesan cheese
Himalayan salt to taste
Freshly milled
black pepper
Cashew nut
parmesan cheese
1½ cups cashews, soaked 4 hours
4 tablespoons Irish moss paste, soaked then blended to a paste with water
(optional, but good to firm the “cheese”)
½ teaspoon probiotics powder
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast (not raw)
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Pinch or two of salt

  1. Cut the zucchini in half. Use a tool called spiruli that can make the zucchini looks like pasta, like spaghetti noodles.
  2. Put the zucchini spaghetti into a big bowl.
  3. Add in a few drops of olive oil and a few turns of salt.
  4. Add in some diced basil leaves.
  5. Add in the diced tomatoes and the garlic.
  6. Add in the capers.
  7. Add in the peppers.
  8. Mix in evenly.
  9. Sprinkle the vegan parmesan cheese.
  10. Ready to be served.
  11. To make the Cashew nut parmesan cheese just put the soaked cashew, the probiotics powder, the nutritional yeast, the lemon juice, and the salt into a food processor.
  12. Turn on the processor and grind them up until it’s fine that look like cheese.

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