Une éducation pour tous : M. Uttam Sanjel, principal créateur des écoles Samata du Népal (en népalais)   

When Mr. Uttam Sanjel from Nepal reached out to offer an education to some of the community’s disadvantaged children, unexpectedly 100 eager children showed up to his first class. The enthusiasm of the students to learn inspired Mr. Sanjel to start a school on the outskirts of Kathmandu. He thus founded 『Samata Sikchya Niketan』 that would assist the most underprivileged children.

Today, 『Samata Sikchya Niketan』is a nationwide network of schools in Nepal that has been providing
the opportunity of quality education, food, and safe shelter to children all at low cost for families.
What’s more, the school instills strong moral values and spiritual faith. Samata school branches have expanded impressively in less than the past decade and have received growing recognition internationally. Mr. Uttam Sanjel welcomed us to Samata Sikchya Niketan.

Sanjel(m):(In English)
This is a Samata school, which is established in Kathmandu first in 2001. We extend our schooling (to) 11 districts, different districts, and now we have 18,000 kids.

Because the quality of the education provided at the schools is so good, they now attract children of all backgrounds and income levels.

Everybody wants to come and everybody can come here and learn many things in our school.

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