Vidéos choisies

The Charming Culture of Lake Titicaca in Puno, Peru (In Spanish)
Dr. Judith Orloff on Emotional Freedom
Colorful Costumes of Beautiful Bulgaria (In Bulgarian)
Free the Children: Changing the World One Child at a Time
Achieve Peace, Happiness, and Spiritual Wisdom by Refraining from Drugs - *A compilation of Supreme Master Ching Hai's lectures
The United Nations International Day Against Drug Abuse - A Global Problem & Solutions
Save the Brumbies: Embracing Wild Horses of Australia
Plus or Minus Two Degrees Celsius: the Truth Formosa (Taiwan) Must Face - P1/2 (In Chinese)
Vegan Danish Bakery: Heavenly Gourmet of Compassion, Love, Sugar, and Spice
Dr. Neal Barnard:Eating Right for Cancer Survival
2010 Father’s Day International Celebration with Our Association Members & Friends
Vegan Capoeira Master Franci Blota Explains the Brazilian Art (In Portuguese)
Dr. Lori Marino: The Magnificent Minds of Dolphins
Commissioner Frank Avila:Protecting Water Resources from Pollution
Skinned Alive: Interview with the Director of “Skin Trade” Shannon Keith
International Sites