* Des biscottes avec de la pâte à tarniner * Des comcombres à la sauce aigre douce * Des algues marines frites avec du riz blanc et du sésame   
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Biscotti with Vegan Spread ,Sweet & Sour Cucumber , Deep-fried Seaweed with White Rice and Sesame

for Biscotti with Vegan Spread
Soya slices
Vegan cream cheese
with chives
Black olive paste
Mushroom paste
Vegan butter (optional)

for Sweet & Sour Cucumber
4 teaspoons vinegar
2 teaspoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons warm distilled water
Dash of pepper (optional)

for Deep-fried Seaweed with White Rice and Sesame
Deep-fry oil
Sesame powder or
roasted sesame seeds
White or brown rice
Bell pepper,
for garnishing


How to makeBiscotti with Vegan Cheese :
  1. Take a few slices of biscotti
  2. Smear the soya slices, vegan cream, black olive paste, and mushroom paste on the biscotti.
  3. Biscotti with vegan spread is ready to be served.
How to makeDeep-fried Seaweed with White Rice and Sesame :
  1. Heat the oil in a low temperature until it’s warm.
  2. Slice the seaweed into pieces, like 2-3 fingers.
  3. Fry the seaweed.
  4. Don’t fry the seaweed too long.
  5. Take out the fried seaweed.
  6. Prepare a plate of white or brown rice and sprinkle the sesame powder on it.
  7. Cut a few pieces of bell pepper for decoration.
  8. The seaweed with white rice and sesame is ready to be served.
How to make Sweet & Sour Cucumber:
  1. Slice the cucumber and the carrot thinly.
  2. Marinate the cucumber and the carrot with vinegar, salt, and sugar.
  3. Let it absorb the substance.
  4. For the sauces. Mix 4 teaspoons vinegar, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 teaspoon salt with 4 tablespoons warm distilled water.
  5. Put the slices of cucumber and carrot in the sauce.
  6. It’s ready to be served.

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