Tai Chi : en harmonie avec la science   

Hallo, wise viewers,and welcome to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master
Television. This week we’ll examine the ancient Chinese martial arts form known as Tai Chi and the modern scientific research that reveals its numerous health benefits.
In ancient times,many systems of movement influenced by philosophy and spirituality were practiced in China to enhance health and increase longevity.
The roots of Tai Chi may be traced back more than 5,000 years to these ancient systems and the profound philosophies of the sages who assisted in their evolution. Taoist and Confucian ideas played a major role in the development of Tai Chi, with the basic Taoist concept being that
behind all material phenomena and change lies a single, unifying principle, known as the Tao.
The founding father of Taoism was the great Master Lao Tzu, author of the mystical text
the Tao Te Ching. This classic book has many stanzas that form the basic philosophy of Tai Chi, including the following:

Chapter 22
Yield and overcome; Bend and be straight.

Chapter 40
Returning is the motion of the Tao. Yielding is the way of the Tao.

Chapter 8
The highest motive is to be like water: Water is essential to all life, yet it does not
demand a fee or proclaim its importance. Rather, it flows humbly to the lowest level,
and in so doing it is much like Tao.

Chapter 78
Nothing in the world is weaker or more yielding than water; yet nothing is its equal
in wearing away the hard and the strong. There is nothing quite like it. Thus, the weak can
overpower the strong; the flexible can overcome the rigid. The whole world can perceive this,but does not put it into practice.

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