Restaurants team up to say “No” to wildlife consumption in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) - 13 Oct 2009  
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Over 150 restaurants in Hà Nội, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) have joined a campaign to boycott dishes made from wildlife, especially endangered species. Organized by World Wildlife Fund and wildlife trade monitoring group TRAFFIC, the campaign includes a sign that is displayed both outside and inside the participating restaurants along with program information provided to customers.

Several travel agencies in Âu Lạcare also participating by encouraging customers to eat at the designated restaurants, with recommended eatery listings on their web sites. Joint campaign coordinator Julianne Becker also noted a change in people’s attitudes, saying that many young persons have begun volunteering and voicing their concerns for the animals’ habitat and survival.

Kudos, Ms. Becker, World Wildlife Fund, TRAFFIC and all participating green restaurants and travel agencies for your efforts to save precious animal friends in the wild. May the green restaurant campaign spread across Hà Nội and beyond as humanity awakens to nobler love and care for our wondrous co-inhabitants.


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