Meat consumption related to Type-2 diabetes - 4 Nov 2009  
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Characterized by high blood glucose levels, Type-2 diabetes is an increasingly prevalent condition that can lead to serious complications such as kidney damage, heart disease, blindness and lower-limb amputations.

A recent meta-analysis by scientists in Norway and the United States now points to meat consumption increasing the likelihood of the disease. Led by Dagfinn Aune of the University of Oslo in Norway, a systematic review of 12 previously conducted studies on dietary habits revealed that high rates of total meat consumption raised the risk of Type-2 diabetes by 17%, while consumption of processed meat upped it to 40 %.

Mr. Aune and other Norwegian and US researchers, we appreciate knowing of this important link between diabetes and meat consumption. Wishing everyone the benefit of the wholesome veg diet to safeguard our own health and the happiness of loved ones.


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