US schoolchildren made ill from ground beef - 30 Oct 2009  
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According to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, more than 20 children and adults attending a camp became ill from eating E. coli-tainted hamburgers made from ground beef. The meat was determined to be contaminated with the same O157:H7 strain of the bacterium found in the children who were tested.

Thankfully, none of the afflicted thus far appears to be in life-threatening danger, although E. coli can cause severe intestinal illness, dehydration, kidney failure and death. Meanwhile, Massachusetts health authorities say they are attempting to identify and recall all of the potentially infected beef products – an often difficult task as one ground beef patty can potentially come from more than 1,000 different animals that are slaughtered in several different countries.

Our heartfelt prayers for those affected by this harmful product. Through humanity’s enlightened dietary selections, may such illnesses soon fade into the distant past.


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