US slaughterhouse closed for cruelty to calves - 1 Nov 2009  
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Following the viewing of undercover footage that showed unspeakable brutality toward baby cows, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) immediately shut down the plant. The animals being led to their slaughter, some only days old and so weak they could not walk, were kicked repeatedly while lying down, doused with water to increase the pain of electrical shock and even skinned alive.

The videos were obtained by the respected animal welfare organization Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack spoke out against the behavior, saying, “The callous behavior and attitudes displayed in the video clearly appear to be violations of (the) USDA's humane handling regulations.”

Humane Society of the United States personnel and Secretary Vilsack, our gratefulness for your dedication in bringing to light and securing intervention to halt this occurrence of horrendous cruelty. May the day come soon that slaughtering for meat is a thing of the past and innocent baby animals receive the same loving kindness deserved by all children in the world.


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