Sufi conference promotes religious moderation - 28 Oct 2010  
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Sufism conference promotes harmonious coexistence. Organized by the Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba Foundation, leading Islamic thinkers, policy makers and many supporters gathered to encourage a message of peace at a two-day International Sufi symposium held in Nouakchott, Mauritania. Prior to the conference, foundation leaders met with sheiks of religious schools in southern Mauritania, the same region where spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba lived more than a century ago. During the meeting, Mauritanian Islamic Affairs Minister Ahmed Ould Neini said, “We should revive the venue of Sufism, which is a source of peace and purity of hearts.” Senegalese leader Oumar Ly highlighted the central values of the Islamic faith, saying, “Islam is the religion of mercy and is not a religion of violence. This fact must be clarified and promoted.” The conference concluded with an award ceremony and thanks were offered to the Mauritanian government for hosting the meeting, along with prayers for peace and harmony in the world.

Our appreciation all leaders and participants at the International Sufi conference for your efforts to share the noble values of Islam. We join in your prayer with bright hope that love and respect between all of humanity will soon blossom across the globe.
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