Restore the Balance of the Oceans - P1/4 A compilation of Supreme Master Ching Hai's lectures
From Theosophy's Sacred Teachings:The Voice of the Silence - The Seven Portals - P1/2
From Cao Đài’s Divine Path to Eternal Life, Chapter 1
Oberom C. Silva:Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism - P1/4 (In Portuguese)
Change Our Diet to Save Water for the World - P1/4 Compilation of Supreme Master Ching Hai's lecctures
The Baha’i Faith's Gems of Divine Mysteries: Paragraphs 63-76
Buddhism's Sacred Scripture: The Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Dharma, Chapter 3 P1/4
Bees and Their Contribution to the Ecosphere - P1/2 Compilation of Supreme Master Ching Hai's lectures
From Hinduism's Holy Vedas:Hymns of the Samaveda,First Part, Book II,Chapters I & II
The Inner Teachings of Chuang Tzu: Enjoyment of Untroubled Ease (In Chinese)
Veganism: The Way to Peace - P1/3 Compilation of Supreme Master Ching Hai's lectures
From the Holy Bible:Book of Proverbs, 2-4, 8-9
From the Gospel of the Toltecs, Chapters 13-16 (In Spanish)
From Judaism's Holy Tanakh:Book of Psalms,Chapters 46-66 (In Hebrew)
Elitom ben Yisrael:Breatharianism for a Working Person - P1/3
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