For the People: Helps International in Cameroon (In Bassa)   

Halo caring viewers and welcome to Good People, Good Works.
Today we visit Buea, a serene town which serves as the capital of the South West Province in Cameroon and is situated at the foot of Mount Cameroon, the highest mountain in West Africa.

On this episode we will learn about a benevolent organization that exists there known as Helps International, an entity which actively seeks to enhance the social and economic welfare as well as the public health of the local residents.

A few of the many ways that Helps International reaches out to the community includes paying of school fees for underprivileged children, offering computer skills courses to the public and providing microlending services to budding entrepreneurs.

We are delighted to have with us today the president and founder of Helps International, Mr. Genesis Tinshu. Mr. Tinshu will now tell us more about this splendid humanitarian organization.

For more about Helps International,please visit or write to

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