According to a report by Canada’s forest ministers, the coming effects of global warming include an increased probability of forest fires and ice storms and the spread of tree-eating insects due to warmer temperatures. As Canada is also home to 10% of the world’s forests, the report also suggested that Canada designate some of her forests as carbon sinks to naturally capture CO2 emissions, thus reducing greenhouse gases.
At the Bangkok Climate Conference currently taking place in Thailand at the United Nations, where governments and organizations are meeting to sign a successor treaty to the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas reduction, Supreme Master Television spoke with Dale Marshall, climate policy analyst from the David Suzuki Foundation. This organization was co-founded by renowned environmentalist Dr. David Suzuki.
How has climate change affected the people in Canada, just this year?
Dale Marshall : Canada being a northern country is warming much quicker than the rest of the world. We’re having impacts on the Arctic environment, on indigenous people that live in the Arctic. But we also have impacts across Canada.
We have increased droughts on the prairies; the rivers that are there are reducing the amount of water that is flowing through them so there is a lot less water available for natural ecosystems.
Even the water in the great lakes, an incredible source of fresh water, the levels are dropping and Lake Superior, the largest lake in the world, we have lake levels that are dropping. We have insect infestations because we don’t have cold winters in British Columbia. We have an insect infestation that has killed half the pine trees in British Columbia. We’re going to experience many, many more changes over the years, especially if we don’t do something.