気候変動 公共サービスからのお知らせ
スプリームマスターチンハイによる地球の抱える問題の解決法    Part 2
Part 1

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Part 2

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Part 3

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Part 4

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It’s very easy to change the climate warming, and to save the world.
Just Be Veg, Go Green and do good deeds.
Telephone interview with Supreme Master Master Ching Hai by James Bean of Spiritual Awakening Radio  July 29, 2008 – USA

Meditate. Positive vision. Spread SOS flyers. Promote vegetarian diet. Be frugal.
Planting trees. Use hybrid cars or less fuel consumptive means of transportation, like carpool, bus, train, walk, bicycling.
Buy organic food to support organic farmers, etc. Do anything you can to support this organic vegetarian farming. Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with San Jose Center, California, USA - July 10, 2008

The best solution for our urgent situation right now is a vegetarian diet, and it should be openly
endorsed and even made into law if possible, to protect people, animals and our planet, the only one that we have.
Rebroadcast of live interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by East Coast FM Radio, Ireland
Sunday, August 31, 2008

People must realize that putting down that piece of meat, which is poisonous, is all they have to do to obtain peace on Earth, and to eliminate hunger for good, and to save the planet.
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Haiwith Supreme Master Television
Los Angeles, California, USA – July 31, 2008

Just be vegetarian and we save a lot of methane gas and a lot of transportation pollution, a lot of waste and water and land, and those land we can cultivate.
Monaco – May 4, 2008 In English

A vegetarian diet can save the world through the elevating good karmic consequences and benevolent energy from the compassionate good lifestyle. And also will minimize war or eliminate war altogether.
Live Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai SOS: Stop Global Warming Seminar
July 27, 2008 – Tokyo, Japan

A. Government Veg Leadership
It has to start from the government and the media because they are the most powerful tools to spread information to the people at large.
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Bangkok, Thailand Center – July 24, 2008

They have to go over the boundary of protocol and habitual routine work because this is a special situation. And it needs special measurement, even desperate measurement.
London Videoconference June 13, 2008

The government can ban the meat indoor, outdoor,  or in the restaurant.
The government can let the public know about the beneficial effect that we can have by having vegetarian diet. They have to publicize it everywhere.

They have to give leaflets to people to read, make it a public job to do it. And then make classes
of vegetarian cooking
available to people free of charge in the school, night school or something.

They could also put high tax on meat or ban it altogether or ban the killing of animals, and educate
people into a brand new, exciting way of life.
London Videoconference June 13, 2008

Just stop the fishing, the government has to forbid fishing because it’s too important to our survival
to delay any further. We must protect a living and healthy sea, as it relates to our living and healthy self.  We cannot live without the sea.
Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai By Louise Kings and the Sandman on East Coast Radio FM
Nov. 30, 2008 – Ireland

B. Media Veg Promotion
All the media should help to save the planet. Everyday when they print the newspaper, just one headline somewhere:
“Be Veg. Go Green.  Save the Planet.”
All the billboards, every advertisement should add one sentence. And all entertainment programs, whenever they do some entertainment, they could say it before or after, “Please Save The Planet. Be Veg. Go Green."
Monaco May 4, 2008

Everybody turn to organic farming instead of cattle raising.Organic farming uses less water, less time,less labor and produces more in abundance and healthy food for all to enjoy. And even if capital is needed, the government should give them subsidies to help the organic farmer instead of using that to help the meat production, which is harmful to us.
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai Stop Global Warming: Act Now seminar Thailand – Oct. 11, 2008

And it’s easy, it’s simple, cost and water effective. And it’s ecologically, economically sound. It will absorb even 40% of CO2 if all the tillable lands are organically cultivated. Organic farming preserves top soil.
Organic farming reduces toxic farming run-off and pollutants that contaminate our water, soil and air.
So organic farming is healthier for farm workers, surrounding communities as well, and for natural wildlife.
Interview with Supreme Master Ching Haiby Ms. Andrea Bonnie
November 21, 2008 Published on Irish Independent newspaper (December 10, 2008)

Plant vegetables in your garden instead of the grass, you plant vegetables and eat from them. 
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Sydney Center, Australia – Aug. 17, 2008

And plant trees. Everybody plant a couple of trees. And the government instead of put money
into war, they just use the money to pay people to plant trees where the desert, where the dry climate, where it’s already damaged to revive the atmosphere.
Austria February 28, 2008

Sustainable energy, solar power, wind power. And go together in one car to work or to shop together.
And buy those, if you can, hybrid car.           
Germany Arrival – December 31, 2006

Every country should help each other to develop more sustainable energy for our shared planet as well as to protect the health of the people and the animals. We must adopt sustainable, green, frugal lifestyles which will support all life on the planet.
Mongolia Climate Conference January 27, 2009

Open windows, turn off air-con or lower the air-con consumption, saving energy, recycling, etc, etc., everyone can automatically do it daily and even companies can lessen their working hours or shorten their working hours accordingly.
Heart-Touch Tour of the Supreme Master Ching Hai: Eden on Earth Arts Gallery Exhibition
Formosa - July 5, 2008

Use less hot water, shower less time, and don't keep water running while you're showering, don't keep water running while you're brushing your teeth.

Turn off your computer. Turn off the light when you don't need. All the standby machines, anything – computer, TV, turn it all off.

The clothes, you can wipe it also. You don't have to change and wash every day. Keep yourself clean like that, and save a lot of money and resources for the earth,
for the planet.
May 27, 2007 Austria

In many places there are already bans on the use of plastic bags and many convenience stores are already trying to limit the use of harmful packages. We should use something less toxic, and we should use our own shopping bags wherever we go, to minimize whatever we can the harmful effect to the planet.
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai The SOS! International Seminar on Global Warming
Korea - May 22, 2008

A. Write to the Government & Media
Write or talk to the government and the media and those in power, apart from what we are doing right now, like distributing flyers, teaching vegetarian diet and opening vegetarian restaurant and going to schools demonstrating vegetarian diet, etc. etc.
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Bangkok, Thailand Center – July 24, 2008

B. Hold Grassroots Seminars
We must make grassroots seminar to offer evidence and logic and the solution to the global warming.
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai Stop Global Warming: Act Now seminar
Thailand – October 11, 2008

C. Join Efforts with Other Veg
The wealthy ones should spend money to advertise these headlines if the media don’t do it. All the vegetarian and vegans should go all out to inform people and tell them the grave situation of our time due to meat diet and convince others to switch to vegetarianism.
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Supreme Master Television Los Angeles, California, USA – July 31, 2008

I can only tell you that I have positive feeling and that if we are working hard, and with the help of all the vegetarians, fruitarians, breatharians, waterians all the non-meat eaters out there if they’re all helping us, and even if the meat eaters if they are helping us also, then the planet will be saved.
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Auckland Center, New Zealand – August 19, 2008

We have to repent and pray for Heaven’s grace. We have to ask for forgiveness from Heaven and from all beings for all the harm that we have done to them. And the powerful collective, positive and loving power of the whole world will repel darkness that are coming towards us, that is facing us right now.
One simple solution is Love, that’s it. We have to follow our heart.
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai SOS! International Seminar on Global Warming Seoul, Korea - May 22, 2008

You don't need to take shower every day.  You can use a "dry cleaning" system. You wipe it with a baby towel, wet towel first, one or two wet towels enough, and then you wipe yourself again with the wet towel from water, and you're clean, smell nice every day. Good enough! And you bathe once a month, or once a year. Or once a week, or once every two weeks!

You can live together in one flat, instead of each one have one flat. You pool money together to pay for the rent. And if you put money to cook together, it's cheaper. Everybody uses one electric light instead of each one, one.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai Global Warming – SOS International Conference - P1/6 Jan. 27, 2009-Mongolia (In English & Mongolian)

"Stop Global Warming: Act Now" Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai October 11, 2008 - Thailand (In English & Thai)

SOS: Stop Global Warming Seminar - Part 1 July 27,2008 Tokyo, Japan(In English & Japanese)

Climate Change International Conference - Part 1 West Hollywood, CA, USA July 26, 2008-07

2008 Critical Moments to Save the Earth: What Can I Do? Seminar - Part 1 June 29, 2008 - Formosa (In Chinese & English)

Re-Broadcasting SOS! International Seminar on Global Warming , with Special Guest, Supreme Master Ching Hai - Part 1 of 5 May 22, 2008 - Korea

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