ディディ アーナンダ カリカ‐モンゴルの若い生命を育む   

Sister Didi Ananda Kalika is a yoga teacher from Australia lives in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. She is a nun with Ananda Marga,a worldwide spiritual and humanitarian organization founded in 1955
by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar of India, also known as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti.
In 1993,Didi Kalika was sent to Ulaanbaatar by Ananda Marga to work as a yoga and meditation teacher. While in the city,she saw first-hand the troubles faced by children living in the streets,especially during the winter when temperatures can fall to minus 40 degrees Celsius.
According to the United Nations Children's Fund or UNICEF, Mongolia has a population of 2.4 million and
in the city of Ulaanbaatar alone approximately 4,000 children live on the streets.

(Interview in English)
Didi(f): I remembered yeah,at that time,I was even a bit depressed. 『Oh, the world has so many problems.』 I felt quite depressed. And in the yoga group,one of the nuns, she asked,『Could you come and play with the children in lunchtime because there’s nobody?』

She was running a small school. And some of those children, they came from very difficult backgrounds. At the beginning I found it hard because the children had some behavior problems,and they weren’t that easy,but I found by going regularly and just playing,being involved with them,somehow I felt, okay,this is the way to get out of my depression also,but I felt like just by doing something simple you can contribute.

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