
Halo concerned viewers.
Food security has recently become a hot topic. In honor of the United Nations World Food Day,
 today’s program will explore the root causes of global food insecurity, possible consequences of inaction, and solutions. The summer of 2010 in the northern hemisphere brought a series of extreme weather events linked to climate change, including a massive heat wave across all of Europe, Northern Africa, parts of Asia and North America.

In Russia, the heat wave, along with a drought of proportions not seen in 5,000 years, sparked
 massive fires. During the same summer period, heavy rains from an intense monsoon created
 a flood disaster in Pakistan. At one point, a full fifth of the nation was under water, including fertile crop lands.  Meanwhile, crop losses and lower yields across the northern hemisphere this summer caused global grain prices to spike up to levels not seen since 2008, making food too expensive
in many developing countries.
The tensions created by such a situation can even lead to conflict. It was not long before  Mozambique saw food protests sadly resulting in fatalities in September 2010.

Economics editor Sean O'Grady of 『The Independent』 in the United Kingdom noted in response
to this problem as it unfolded: 『In developing and emerging economies…
the challenge is in some cases a matter of life and death. In these countries food represents a
much higher proportion of household budgets than in the West, and they are less able to withstand such shocks.』 

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