
HOST: Halo, beautiful viewers! On today’s episode of Enlightening Entertainment, we'll introduce the ASEAN-Korea Traditional Music Orchestra.

ASEAN stands for The Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Its 10 members nations are: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Âu Lạc (Vietnam), Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar (Burma).

With over 80 performers and composers, along with 52 different types of traditional instruments from 11 countries, including South Korea, the ASEAN-Korea Traditional Music Orchestra creates a rare musical experience conveying friendship and harmony across borders.

The music director was Dr. Choi Sang-Wha of South Korea, who collaborated with British conductor and composer Mr. Eric James Watson.

Choi Sang-Wha - music director(m): Although we live in a multicultural and international time, we still are not familiar with Asia which is close by. I think that musical exchange is more important than economic or political exchange, to become familiar with Asia.

Therefore, the purpose of organizing this orchestra is that music will contribute to feeling a sense of kinship between people in a multicultural society, and without borders between countries.

Eric James Watson(m): 49:22 I'd just like to say halo and welcome to all the Supreme Master viewers wherever you are in this world. I hope that you enjoy this concert. I hope that you come to experience a wonderful new listening experience.

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