
Since its founding in 1985, Reporters Without Borders has worked to defend freedom of speech and expression within the media. The organization’s motto is taken from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,and states: 『Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression;
this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference,and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers.』 Founded in France,Reporters Without Borders,is present in five continents and has consultant status at the United Nations.

Jean-François Julliard(m):
Without the freedom of the press, there is no democracy.
We think that the freedom of the press is most important,that it must be profoundly defended. We do not have a corporatist approach,we do not have an association of reporters. We defend the freedom of the press in a sense that it is the people's essential right. We defend the right of people to have access to free information. We always have that in mind; we first and foremost defend information,even before we defend reporters.

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