Professor Federico Capasso:The Quantum Scientist - P1/2    Part 2

Welcome, viewers of Science and Spirituality. Today we will be meeting Dr. Federico Capasso, a Robert L. Wallace Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Over the years, Professor Capasso has become primarily known from his pioneering work on novel quantum devices such as avalanche photo-detectors, which are light sensors that process optical communications to electrical signals, resonant tunneling diodes, ultra-fast transistors, and other semiconductor devices.

The Quantum Cascade (QC) Laser is an innovation Professor Capasso and colleagues developed in the early 1990s. This technology holds promise for important applications such as sensing gas and liquid vapor molecules in various environments with ultra high sensitivity - even to the degree of one part per billion. Given that we live in times of accelerating global warming, our world needs such a tool, especially for measuring the greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere.

Supreme Master Television interviewed Dr. Capasso to learn about the highlights of his scientific journey through the world of quantum devices, and how these tools can impact our lives.

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