ジョンEブランデンバーグ博士‐死せる火星 死にゆく地球‐1/2    Part 1
Part 1
Part 2

Although the surface of Mars appears to have been barren and lifeless for eternity, scientists are closely studying the geological and geochemical data from the red planet for evidence of it having had a biosphere similar to Earth in the past.  

Dr. John Brandenburg, a theoretical plasma physicist from the United States, believes that a humanoid civilization once lived on Mars. He is one of the authors of “Dead Mars, Dying Earth,”a book concerning Mars’past and the lessons its history holds for our planet’s future.

Lately we have observed many severe weather-related disasters around the globe and the rapid disappearance of a number of species, which are urgent signals from Mother Earth that the planet is undergoing tremendous environmental stress. A key message of his book is if we do not make immediate changes, the signs unmistakably point to our fragile abode sharing a fate similar to the red planet. Let us now hear from Dr. Brandenburg about the book and his theories regarding life on Mars.

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