افراد خوب، اعمال خوب
ترویج مهربانی – ماموریت شهر آکلند   

Hallo and welcome, caring viewers, to Good People, Good Works. Today, we will journey to New Zealand to the country’s largest city of Auckland to visit the Auckland City Mission. Founded by an Anglican priest named Jasper Calder in the early 20th century, the Mission from its beginnings has strived to provide compassionate social and humanitarian service to the disadvantaged, regardless of their background.

The organization’s story is one of seeking to create an all-encompassing,harmonious community through God’s grace and love.  City Missioner, or Chief Executive of the organization, Diane Robertson recently spoke with Supreme Master Television and kindly gave more information about the history of, and services offered by, the Mission.

For more details about the Auckland City Mission, please visit

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