Rescued puppy gets second chance at life - 7 Nov 2011  
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As reported on Friday, November 4 by News Channel 5 in Ohio, USA, animal lover Ms. Jen Coakley, known to her friends for her "stray animal radar," immediately pulled her car over when she saw a young dog without a leash following a passerby on the sidewalk in the city of Cleveland.

She found that the two-month-old Labrador-hound mix had been rescued by the man the previous day in response to sounds he heard coming from a garbage can.

However, as he was unable to permanently care for the dog, Ms. Coakley agreed to help, bringing the puppy home for cleaning, loving care and a new name of Chester.

Ms. Coakley said that although her heart had lots of room for Chester, her house was already full. So she took him to the Cleveland Animal Protective League to be adopted into a forever loving home.

Upon knowing the conditions of Chester's rescue, League Executive Director Sharon Harvey reminded the public that such abandonment is not only cruel but illegal, saying that all animals as living creatures are deserving of respect.

Our gratitude, Ms. Jen Coakley, Ms. Sharon Harvey, Cleveland Animal Protection League and the kind passerby for saving and caring for innocent puppy Chester. May he and every living being be cherished and loved as our family and friends.
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