Notas da união: a música judaico-árabe do Naguila Ensemble - Parte 1/2 (em Hebraico e Árabe)   
Parte 1
Parte 2

Performed by Naguila Ensemble
 [in Hebrew]
May your coming be for peace,
O angels of peace
May your coming be for peace,
O angels of the Exalted One--
from the King Who reigns over kings,
The Holy One blessed is He.

let us rejoice in the unifying music of the renowned Naguila Ensemble, based in France. On National Geographic’s world music website, the band is described as, 『They play a music rooted in the common history of their communities. Nowadays these worlds are often opposite. The Naguila Ensemble shows that, in the past, for over a thousand years, they could create wonderful music together.』

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