Dr. James Hansen: "Temos apenas quatro anos para agirmos na mudança climática - América tem de liderar" - 22 Jan 2009  
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Dr. James Hansen: "Temos apenas quatro anos para agirmos na mudança climática - América tem de liderar".

Tempo está esgotando.
Climatologista mundialmente
Dr. James Hansen
da Administração da
Aeronáutica e Espaço
Nacional (NASA) com base
nos EUA está agora pedindo
urgentemente os Estados
Unidos a liderar esforços
para enfrentar mudança
climática. Ele declarou,
“Não podemos mais ousar
a demorar mudança.
Temos que entrar
no caminho novo dentro
desta nova administração.
Temos só
quatro anos restando...
para ser um exemplo
para o resto do mundo.”

Dr. Hansen enfatizou
a importância de
implementar medidas
como taxa de carbono,
que poderia aumentar
preço de combustível
para evitar uso, e para
totalmente para o uso de
minas e carvão.

Dr. Hansen:

Agora se queremos
parar uso de combustível
fósseis, que teremos que
fazer se quisermos
manter o planeta
do modo de
como herdamos
de nossos pais, então
teremos que
aplicar um preço
nas emissões de carbono.
E o modo
que pode funcionar,
se queremos o público
a aceitar ele, eu acho
é você abrir mão
100% daquela taxa de
volta ao público.


Em um entrevista
com Supreme Master
Dr. Hansen
também destacou
a solução vegetariana
em reduzindo emissões
de gás estufa global.

Dr. Hansen:

Se você come mais
abaixo da cadeia alimentar
em vez de animais,
que têm produzido
muitos gases de estufa,
e usado muita energia
no processo de
criar aquela carne,
você pode na verdade fazer
uma maior contribuição
daquele modo
mais do que tudo.
Então, em termos de
ação individual,
é talvez a melhor coisa
que você pode fazer.
Mas você também tem que
fazer coisas
que influencia as decisões
daqueles que fazem medidas.


Expressamos nossa gratidão,
Dr. James Hansen,
por sua voz corajosa
nobre alertando
ao público sobre a
importância de agir agora
para salvar nosso planeta.
Que imediatamente
adotemos estilos de vida que
ajuda a sustentar nossa
preciosa Terra e seus

Suprema Mestra
Ching Hai explicou
via vídeo conferência para
membros da Associação
em Seattle, Washington,
EUA como mudando para
dieta livre animal é de
necessário para nossa
sobrevivência planetária.

Suprema Mestra Ching Hai:

Mais pessoas
vegetarianas, menos
a matança de animais,
mais tempo que temos
para resgatar o planeta e
as vidas no planeta.
Parem a matança,
parem de machucar outras
pessoas e animais
e economizem energias
de todo modo possível
e virem ecológicos
sempre quando possível.

Dr. James Hansen:
'We have only four years left to act on climate change - America has to lead'
Time is running out. World-renowned climatologist Dr. James Hansen of the US-based National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is now urging the United States to lead in the efforts to counter climate change. He stated, “We cannot now afford to put off change any longer. We have to get on a new path within this new administration. We have only four years left … to set an example to the rest of the world.”

Dr. Hansen emphasized the importance of implementing measures like a carbon tax, which would raise the price of fuels to deter use, and to totally phase out the mining and use of coal. Dr. Hansen: Now if we want to phase out the fossil fuels, which we’re going to have to do if we want to maintain a planet that looks like the one that we inherited from our parents, then we’re going to have to apply a price to the carbon emissions. And the way that that would work, if you wanted the public to accept it, I think you have to give up 100% of that tax back to the public.

VOICE: In an interview with Supreme Master Television, Dr. Hansen had also highlighted the vegetarian solution in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.

Dr. Hansen: If you eat further down on the food chain rather than animals, which have produced many greenhouse gases, and used much energy in the process of growing that meat, you can actually make a bigger contribution in that way than just about anything. So that, in terms of individual action, is perhaps the best thing you can do. But you also have to do things that influence the decisions of policy makers.

VOICE: We express our gratitude, Dr. James Hansen, for your courageous noble voice in alerting the public about the importance of acting now to save our planet. May we immediately adopt lifestyles that help sustain our precious Earth and her inhabitants.

Supreme Master Ching Hai explained via videoconference to our Association members in Seattle, Washington, USA how a switch to the animal-free diet is necessary for our planetary survival.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : The more vegetarian people, the less killing of the animals, the more time we have to rescue the planet and the lives on the planet. Stop the killing, stop the harm to other people and the animals and save energies every way possible and go green wherever possible. Then we still can save the planet.

Climate change endangering penguins.

The International Federation for Animal Welfare (IFAW) in Sao Paolo, Brazil reported that in October 2008, due to disorientation that was likely caused by ocean warming, 2,500 juvenile penguins migrating northward went 2500 kilometers further than intended. Arriving on Brazil’s northern coast, only half of the original group was still alive. Despite several months of rescue efforts, just 372 of the penguins ultimately survived and were released from southern Brazil to swim back to their home in the Patagonian region of Argentina. Many thanks, International Federation for Animal Welfare and all others involved, for informing us of these alarming losses to our ecosystems. We pray for humanity’s more benevolent care of the environment so that cherished co-inhabitants such as the penguin may flourish once more.

Kansas, Iowa Unveil Energy Plans
US states of Kansas and Iowa announce green plans. Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius has unveiled plans to invest in clean energy sources for greenhouse gas reductions. A metering program allows residents to generate sustainable electricity and sell the excess to utilities along with other measures such as expanding the state’s wind energy investments. In Iowa, a state-mandated Climate Change Advisory Council is proposing initiatives to achieve reductions in carbon emissions. We respectfully laud the green efforts of Governor Sebelius and the people of Kansas and Iowa! Blessed be all governments in providing convenient access to sustainable practices for the restoration of our cherished ecosystems.

Rains damage Peru's Nazca lines
Peruvian petroglyphs damaged by heavy rains. Extreme weather conditions have resulted in sand and clay being deposited on Peru’s World Heritage Site Nazca lines. These ancient images, normally visible only from the sky, were etched into the dry desert sands by indigenous peoples over 1,000 years ago. The artistic depictions range from very simple to highly stylized figures of animals, some measuring as large as 200 meters across and spanning an 80-kilometer distance between the towns of Nasca and Palpa. Mario Olaechea of Peru's National Culture Institute has stated that the institute plans to restore the glyphs.

We are grateful to learn that this amazing exhibit of ancient art will be restored. Our prayers that humanity’s greater benevolence will ease such extreme weather patterns for the natural preservation of these and other wondrous creations on Earth.