Most glaciers will disappear by middle of century and add to rising sea levels, expert warns - 7 Feb 2009  
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Most glaciers will disappear by middle of century and add to rising sea levels, expert warns
World’s glaciers are fast disappearing. According to the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS), a Switzerland-based agency that collects data on 100 glaciers from different mountain ranges around the world, most of the planet’s glaciers will be gone within a few decades. Director Wilfried Haeberli stated that with the total glacial mass now being the lowest in thousands of years, even moderate continued warming will result in the disappearance of all the small-sized glaciers and that even the large ice regions in Alaska, USA and the Himalayas will be reduced by almost half. Many experts see glacier melt from global warming as one of the biggest threats to humanity, because over 2 billion people depend on the rivers they supply. Moreover, glacier melt adds to rising sea levels and flooding around the world.

Our sincere gratitude, Professor Haeberli and colleagues at the World Glacier Monitoring Service for your careful measurements of these rapidly retreating ice fields. May we urgently heed the call and adopt lifestyles of harmony with all beings on our planet.

During the climate conference in Japan, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke via videoconference on the logical universal law of retribution and how it would apply towards efforts to save the planet.

Live Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
SOS: Stop Global Warming Seminar July 27, 2008 – Tokyo, Japan

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right now we have to get the population going into vegetarian direction and then we shall see. Everywhere the world will change into a heavenly abode. The ice will stop melting, the Earth will be cooled down, and all the things that have been damaged in the past will be repaired by nature itself, by our own merit of virtuous life. Every action begets a reaction. If we do good, the reaction, the outcome will be good. Just believe that because that’s scientific, it’s not even religious doctrine. Every action provokes a reaction, so if we do good action, the reaction will be definitely good, that’s it. So if we don’t kill, we will save our lives. So if we stop all the killing right now, including war and killing the animals for meat, then our planet will turn into paradise.

Ana the turtle reveals 'oceanic superhighway'
A turtle’s journey gives clues to her species’ survival. Monitored remotely by scientists at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Ana the sea turtle’s journey from East Java, Indonesia to the west Australian coast has revealed an “oceanic superhighway” of turtle migration as well as the ecology of the entire region. The WWF’s Ms. Gilly Llewellyn said, “Ana’s journey has shown us areas where we need to focus our efforts. We need to tap into the secret lives of species such as turtles, so we can design networks of marine protected areas that conserve the full range of plant and animal life, and ensure their longevity for years to come.”

Ms. Llewellyn and World Wildlife Fund scientists, we laud your efforts to understand and protect magnificent beings of the sea such as Ana. Let us all join in respecting life to ensure the future of our treasured marine co-inhabitants.

Saving the Environment Through Ecosystem Preservation
African action needed for climate change. Speaking at the Agricultural-Agro Industrial and Rural Development in the Nigerian capital of Abuja, Dr. Okoye presented a paper outlining the likely threats from global warming. Highlighting the need to act urgently, he stated that decreasing fresh water supplies, deforestation and rising sea levels are already creating environmental refugees across Africa. Dr. Okoye called for more implementation of such measures as soil management, water harvesting, windbreak construction and intercropping by nations to minimize global warming’s effects.

Many thanks, Dr. Okoye, for your enlightened call. Blessed be the efforts of those like yourself in leading the planet toward a green path to protect the lives and well-being of all.

Germany boosts energy efficiency investment

Germany boosts investment in energy efficiency. The German Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWI) has announced an additional €15 million to the country’s Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection program. With total funding now increased to €115 million, Germany’s green sector is set to expand in sustainable technologies, which are anticipated to create some 250,000 additional jobs and allow the country to phase out of nuclear energy.

Ministry of Economics and Technology and Germany, we appreciate your commitment to eco-friendly advancements. May your noble example inspire many other nations toward similar practices to sustain life on our treasured Earth.