A Catedral de Notre Dame em Paris: uma obra-prima de fé, arte e história (em Francês)   

Greetings, peaceful viewers, and welcome to The World Around Us.
Today, we invite you to join in our pilgrimage to the Notre Dame de Paris, or Our Lady of Paris. This cathedral is one of the most glorious symbols, a tribute to the profound faith of the French people during the Middle Ages and subsequent centuries. Moreover, as a Gothic masterpiece, it retains a special position in art and architectural history.

The Notre Dame Cathedral is situated in the eastern half of a natural island called Île de la Cité, at the heart of the French capital city, embraced by two branches of the Seine River. About 2200 years ago, it was inhabited by the Gaul tribe of Parisii. Later, it became a royal residence for the kings of France. The Island not only served as an administrative center, but also played a key role in Parisians’ religious lives. It is said thatin the Middle Ages, there were 17 churches on this small piece of land.

Notre Dame de Paris, in its over 800 years’ history, has been the core for Île de la Cité, and for Catholic adherentsin the entire country. Today, it is the cathedral of the Catholic archdiocese of Paris.

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