Salgadinhos para o lanche da tarde para mamãe e papai: biscoitos de amêndoa e saborosas tortas douradas e crocantes      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Almond Cookies
1 cup ground almonds
1 cup sliced almonds
¾ cup icing sugar
3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 cup vegetable oil

Crispy Golden Savory Pies
1 cup water
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon sea salt
½ teaspoon mushroom seasoning
1 cup flour
Pinch of pepper
Vegan ham, thin sliced
½ teaspoon baking powder

Almond Cookies
1. Mix well all dry ingredients in a bowl
2. Add the vegetable oil, mix well
3. Take some of the batter to make balls, use hands to press and squeeze
4. Cook the balls in the oven at 350 degrees F for 20-25 minutes

Crispy Golden Savory Pies
1. Mix well all dry ingredients in a bowl
2. Add the water, mix well to become a dough
3. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil in
4. Take the vegan hams, dip into the batter and fry into the pan
5. When one side has been golden brown, flip it over
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File NO: 1064
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