Preparando o saudável chá Kombucha      
Stainless steel or an aluminum-free pot/kettle
Wooden spoon
Stainless steel tongs
Glass or aluminum jar
Breathable paper towel or kitchen cloth
Rubber band


Kombucha culture
2 liters filtered
or sprint water
(300 milliliters
+ 1700 milliliters)
4–5 tablespoons
organic sugar
4 tablespoons
or 4 teabags of
caffeinated tea (oolong,
mate, green tea, etc.)

1. Heat the 300 mililiters spring water in a pot, put into the glass jar, add sugar
2. Put the tea into a teabag and drop into the jar, stir the water
3. Leave it for 15 minutes, then take the teabag out
4. Add the rest of the water into the jar, stir it
5. Add kombucha culture along with its starter tea
6. Cover the jar opening with paper towel or cloth and tighten with rubber band
7. Store the jar to sit in a place where it would not be disturbed, moved or shaken
8. Leave it for 7-8 days
9. Then take the culture out, put into another jar along with some of its fermented tea (to be the next starter tea), store in a fridge, or brew another jar of kombucha tea

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