Maghaj: Sweet Chickpea Confection from Gujarat, India (In Gujarati)      
For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available
1 bowl coarse chickpea flour
¼ bowl sugar
¼ bowl vegan ghee
Ground cardamom (garnish)
Ground almonds (garnish)
Sliced almonds (garnish)

  1. Heat ¼ of vegan ghee in a pan with medium flame.
  2. When the vegan ghee has melted, add a bowl full of chickpea flour. Add the flour while keep stirring all the time.
  3. When it is almost done, the vegan ghee will start to separate, and it will become very light and the color is yellow.
  4. Keep toast it until it is golden brown. This will take about 20 minutes.
  5. Turn the heat off and remove the pan from the stove. Keep stirring.
  6. After it has cooled for 5 minutes, add in the sugar and a little bit of ground cardamom. Mix it.
  7. Spread a little vegan ghee on a plate.
  8. Pour in the flour mixture onto the plate evenly.
  9. Sprinkle some cardamom and almond slices over it.
  10. Let it cooled down for about 4 to 5 hours so the maghaj will set properly.
  11. After the period, cut the maghaj into pieces.
  12. Ready to be served.

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File NO: 1698
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