Afinidade celestial - Parte 1/3 (em Aulacese)    Parte 1
Parte 1
Parte 2
Parte 3

The Aulacese chèo traditional opera 『Heavenly Affinity』is based on the legend of the smart and beautiful Princess Tiên Dung during the reign of King Hùng III and Chử Đồng Tử,a poor but very filial and compassionate young man.

This is a famous Aulacese love story which conveys spiritual meanings,upholds altruism, and reveals the senselessness of placing import on transient outer forms.  Saint Chử Đồng Tử is also considered one of 『The Four Immortals』 in the Aulacese pantheon. To date, many places in the country still worship Saint Chử Đồng Tử and Princess Tiên Dung.

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