Um Jubiloso Fesltval de Meio do Outono com Membros de Nossa Associação   

Welcome, lovely viewers! The Mid-Autumn Festival is here, and it is certainly a joyous occasion, with family and friedns gathering to celebrate unity, love, and of course the beautiful moon! Another name for the Mid-Autumn Festival is the Moon Festival, because it is believerd that during this time of year the moon is the biggest and brightest. And now members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association present musical performances, dances, and cordial greetings to commemorate this year's marvelous Mid-Autumn Festival!

On this wonderful occation, we would like to convey our heartfelf greeting to Supreme Master Ching Hai, who has shone the light on our way Home to the Heavens, while sending love throughout the corners of our world. We wish Supreme Master Ching Hai a peaceful and joyful festiv

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